1.) Full-service outage on Inmarsat satellite affecting Asia-Pacific region - Inmarsat experienced an outage on its I-4 F1 satellite in April that caused widespread communications problems throughout East Asia and the Pacific region. [Full story]
2.) Army meets with industry to review unmanned aircraft portfolio - The U.S. Army met with defense contractors in April to review the current and future plans for the service’s unmanned aircraft systems. [Full story]
3.) Air Force releases RFI to repair ‘battled damaged’ F-15SA fighter - The U.S. Air Force is conducting market research to identify potential sources with expertise, capabilities, and experience to meet the qualifications to repair a “battled damaged F-15SA aircraft for the Royal Saudi Air Force.” [Full story]
4.) Rocket launch from Virginia will test new technologies - NASA's Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia launched a sounding rocket for the Suborbital Technology Experiment Carrier-9 mission on April 24. [Full story]
5.) NASA seeks contractor to provide launch imagery due to budget reductions - NASA’s Kennedy Space Center issued a Request for Information document last month for the purpose of seeking sources and soliciting information from private industry on obtaining launch ascent imagery “as a service on an as-needed basis” for the agency’s Exploration Ground Systems (EGS) Program vehicle launches. [Full story]